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NAME : Sky Blitz

A: red tail to red light blue peony with white glitter; B: green tail to green orange peony with gold glitter; C: blue tail to yellow purple peony with red glitter alternater; D: red tip to time rain tail E: green tip to time rain tail; F: blue tip to time rain tail; G: time rain tail; H: brocade crown tail to brocade crown green glitter;  I: silver tail to silver palm blue star; J: blue tail to ti-gold palm with gold time rain; K: red glitter tail red lemon star rain.

ondersoek Nou

Product details

Tipe: Battery van skootbuise

Grootte: 325x180x175mm

Kaliber: 20/25/30 mm

Skote: 56

NEC: 667g

CBM: 0.05

Verpakking: 4/1