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Tekort aan houers en sluiting van Sjanghai-hawe

“ Recently, the shortage of containers has become a source of frustration for the logistics industry. Due to the imbalance between China and Europe trade, a large number of containers is stranded in the European ports and terminals. Both rail and ocean freight operators are facing this problem, which is predicted to last until next year. Transporting empty containers back to China at low cost and with high efficiency might be the key to alleviate the shortage of containers in China. In this case, some new technologies could be taken into consideration. “



The shutdown of Shanghai Port for fireworks has already strangled the throat of fireworks industry for the moment, and the shortage of containers adds the pain to that, as the empty containers in the place other than China are stranded and left at the terminals, most of the containers go westbound because of the structural trade imbalance between China and other countries, therefore, the ocean freight of fireworks containers keeps increasing minute by minute, few fireworks exporters would choose to ship their products if there is containers available. It is said that the shortage of containers like this is going to last till next year.
