NAME : Quiet Nights
A: silver comet fuse tail;
B: silver tail plit to silver strobe;
faahfaahinta Product
Nooca: Batariga tuubooyinka tallaalka
Size: 300x210x175mm
Dhexroor: 20mm
Rasaas: 72
KDQ: 495g
CBM: 0.053
Xirxirida: 4/1
NAME : Quiet Nights
A: silver comet fuse tail;
B: silver tail plit to silver strobe;
Nooca: Batariga tuubooyinka tallaalka
Size: 300x210x175mm
Dhexroor: 20mm
Rasaas: 72
KDQ: 495g
CBM: 0.053
Xirxirida: 4/1