אַלע קאַטעגאָריעס

היים>פּראָדוקטן>אי.יו. מאַרק>Compound



NAME : Hard-Hitting

A: Red tail to red pearl with chrys; B: Green tail to green pearl with chrys; C: Yellow tail to yellow pearl with chrys; D: Blue tail to sea blue with chrys; E: Purple tail to purple pearl with chrys; F: Lemon tail to lemon pearl with chrys.

A: Red tail to red pearl with chrys; B: Green tail to green pearl with chrys; C: Yellow tail to yellow pearl with chrys; D: Blue tail to sea blue with chrys; E: Purple tail to purple pearl with chrys; F: Lemon tail to lemon pearl with chrys.

A: Silver spinning tail to red pearl with chrys; B: Silver spinning tail to green pearl with chrys; C: Silver spinning tail to yellow pearl with chrys; D: Silver spinning tail to sea blue pearl with chrys; E: Silver spinning to purple pearl with chrys; F: Silver spinning tail to lemon pearl with chrys;

A: Crackling bouquet red tail to red pearl with chrys; B: Crackling bouquet green tail to green pearl with chrys; C: Crackling bouquet yellow tail to yellow pearl with chrys; D: Crackling bouquet blue tail to sea blue with chrys;  E: Whistle+red tai to red and green with chrys; F: Whistle+blue tail to sea blue and yellow with chrys; G: Whistle+green tail to purple and lemon with chrys;

ינקווירי איצט

פּראָדוקט פרטים

טיפּ: קאָמפּאָנענט

גרייס: קסנומקסקסקסנומקסקסקסנומקסמם

קאַליבער: 20 מם

שיסער: 181

נעק: 1405.3 ג

קבם: 0.045

פּאַקינג: 1/4

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